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Best free Scientific calculator for android

Gone are the days you have to buy a calculator now you can have your calculator on your phone not just ordinary calculator this time around scientific calculator, calculators on phones goes a long way so I'm going to be telling you the best scientific calculator  app to download for free on your android phone for easy use.

1. Calculator  by google
This is a free scientific calculator you can download for free it is a simple calculator that perfoms many functions from simple calculations  like addition, multiplication, division,addition e.t.c it is a well designed app by google it also performs scientific calculator which it's essentially built for it is totally free and has no ads it gets the job done easily

2.calculator ++
This is also a free scientific calculator you can easily download on your android device it had both simple mode and and an engineer mode, it supports a wide variety of functions that that makes calculations easier it performs simple calculations like multiplication, addition, subtraction, division e.t.c and it also performs scientific calculations it is made for.

3. Celvcal
This is also a free scientific  calculator it is very easy to use and it has many functions it serve as a normal calculator for minor addition and subtraction and multiplication it also serves as a scientific  calculator  for calculating more complex calculations it also has a currency and unit converter for traders and telemarketers to make use of ,it also have a fuel cost and ovulation calculator, this calculator  is very useful and I can see its one of the best so far so if you want a calculator with many functions get your hands on this calculator  it's free and easy to download and use ads free.

4.Tricolor calculator
This is also one of the free scientific  calculator  you can easily download it does not have one function or serve only as a scientific calculator that solves complex calculations for you  it also serve as a normal calculator  for basic calculations like addition ,subtraction ,division and multiplication and it has a color feature in which you can use to  add or remove the memory button and it has a feature in which you can change how decimal points appear and you can  also view the history of all the calculations  you have done it is a basic and very easy app to use if you don't want the calculator  app for simple basic calculations

5.caltastic calculator
Caltastic calculator  is a free scientific calculator you can easily download it is very easy to download  and it's free it has a wide range of functions you can use it for your basic calculations  like addition,subtraction,divison and multiplication now the main use of the app is for scientific  calculations it will solve scientific calculations till you are satisfied
So if you are looking for a scientific  calculator  that will solve only scientific  calculations for you this is the calculator for you it's free so you can easily  download  and it's very easy to use also.

6.Real cal scientific calculator
This another or let me say one of the best scientific  calculator you come across it's a free app do you don't have to pay for it when you want to download itis  a good app that you can use it has the function to perform basic calculations likeaddition,subtracton,division and multiplication it's design it's like that of a real scientific  calculator it has scientific  standard functions which allows you to work out scientific calculations perfectly
It also supports history for all the calculations  you have made it also has the function of unit conversion, and memory for storing your data and also binary and octal calculations so as you can see it has a wide range  of functions  for you to use

Calculator is one of the  free best scientific calculator  around and that you can ever come across the app has both scientific and basic layout like all the scientific  calculator  apps mentioned above it has the basic functions  of addition,subtracton,division and multiplication and it also perform the scientific function it's originally designed for it has the memory and history function for all the calculations performed on the app and you can swipe up when using the app to reveal more scientific buttons for more complex calculations use it has wide range of functions  so it's one of the best scientific calculator you can get your handS on so if you are Interested in a scientific  calculator  that works well calculator is the scientific  calculator  app for you to use it's free to download and it's very easy to use. calculator
One calculator is one of the best scientific calculator app that is free to download  and use it has sleek functions it has a converter, graphed and a matrix calculator it performs basic calculations like addition,subtracton,division and multiplication and it perfoms scientific  functions that's it was made for it performs graph functions it's so easy to use that you will fall in love with using it.

9. Hiper scientific calculator
Hiper scientific calculator is one of the free android calculator that can be easily download on phone and very easy for use it's function range from performing normal or simple calculations like multiplication, addition, subtraction,. division and it also. performs it's scientific function for which it's majorly made for to perform more complex calculations it has an algorithm that detects any repeating decimal number and supports input and output of fractions so if you are looking for a scientific calculator that allows you to input fractions this is the calculator that is the best for you hurry up and copy yours

10. Panecal scientific calculator
This is also one of the best scientific calculator app you can ever find around it's a free app so you don't have to pay to download it, it's easy to download and it's very easy to use it's functions range from the scientific  functions it's majorly  built for it calculates and solves complex calculations for you like arithmetic calculations ,complex solar entry and table for physical and mathematical. constant these few among what the panecal scientific calculator can do so if you are looking for a bad ass scientific calculator this is the calculator for you.

Each and every one of these calculators mentioned above are one of the best most reliable and useful scientific  calculators you can ever find and they are all free for easy use and easy to understand it all performs functions ranging from  simple calculations like addition, subtraction,multiplication,and it also perform other  complex calculations like scientific calculations which is really meant for  ,you are really going to enjoy all these apps so if you are looking one of the best scientific calculator you can ever find just check through the above list you will find the calculator that suits you best

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