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10 Reasons Why You Will NEVER Make Money Online

10 Reasons Why You Will NEVER Make Money Online 

Internet business is not a new thing to people. Lots of people earn a leaving online these days. Making money online is now a trend in the whole world. But it so unfortunate that a lot of people find it challenging to earn a penny online, for the fact that they do research every time. 

I will be talking about the reasons why you aren't making money online. I am not trying to discourage you from making money on the internet, but I want to tell you the main fact.
I will list out behaviors of people that tried to make money online, but they weren't successful. 

This Content is meant for people who are planning to start an internet business. And those that are into it, but they aren't making a penny. 

These are the 10 reasons why you don't make money easily online...

 1.  Lack of passion; Lots of people jump into things that they really don't have passion for. For instance, you heard about your friend making $500 every month blogging. Because of that, you also want to start blogging, and you don't even have a passion for writing. The best way to be successful in life is by following your dreams and your passion. The reason why you are finding it difficult to make money online is that you choose the wrong path. You have no passion for it but you want to earn a leaving from it, that's a unanimous decision once you have passion for what you are doing, you will definitely derive joy from it. You need to have a passion for anything you want to do.

 2. Lack of plans and strategies: Not making plans I will advise you not to be like those that do things just for fun. Make sure you always look at the lucrative side of what you are doing. Your hubby can end up paying up your bills, but before you do that. You need to plan a lot. If you don't make plans, you are just wasting your time, and you will end up being frustrated. 

3. Wrong audience; The best way to keep your business moving is if you have the right audience, both online and offline. If you don't build a relationship with your client or if you don't serve them well and attend to their inquiries, you will end up losing them. They will not want to come back to you. It's good to treat your customers well rather than reaching out to the wrong people. 

4.  Trying to do different things; Thinks to earn a leaving,  one thing you need to know about life is that you can't put your eggs in just one basket if you want to be successful. Rich people never focus on only one source of income. I'm not advising you to focus on everything when you are just starting, but when you are successful with one then it's advisable to try another, to make more money. The same applies to offline business, not just online business. Let me give you an example, you write an articles on your blog every day, and your writings are excellent, you can also lookout for people who are looking for content writers on their blog, and you charge them for it. You can also help brands write a sponsored post; you don't focus on Adsense alone. 

 5. Lack of Patience; Because you heard about people making thousands of dollars online every month doesn't mean you can also make that in your first attempt. You cant be rich overnight; it took me about one year before I started making money blogging and freelancing. Although it didn't take some people up to 1 year before they started making money online. What matters most is your consistency and determination. If you want to be successful in internet business, you have to be patient. Also, need to work hard before you start getting good results in online marketing. It took Linda Ikeji almost four years before she started making money online. Right now she is a multi-millionaire. So try to be patient in all ways.

6. No Action; If you do in-depth research on how to make money online and you aren't taking any action. You are just wasting your time. Because if you take action, you might be successful. You need to stop doubting if you want to be successful.

 7.  Stinginess; Stinginess is a very worst habit if you want to earn, you need to be ready to spend, or else you are not moving higher. A lot of people are always looking for free thing's, this is what is affecting most Nigerians. Rich people spent a lot and Also risked a lot before they got to where they are. If you want to be successful be ready to spend wantonly, spending will help you to make a lot of money online, don't just be stringy, if u spend online you will make a lot of money online. Success does not come without investment.

8. Bad SEO Practice; We all know the important of SEO  in this present age. If you want to really succeed as a digital hustler then you might have to practise a very good SEO. SEO here does not only mean content or keyword analysis and marketing but also entails good image and using SEO to satisfy and render unto customers what they really want.

9. Lack of Information Or Mis- Information

Information, as they say, is power. It should never be underestimated in the online hustle. Information is pertinent and germane in the online world. With the right kind of information from the right source, you can save yourself some energy and time. I mean time and energy you could have wasted perambulating in the name of finding out how stuff work. It is also important to identity the types you don't.

10. Single source of income; One African proverb says: ”Several routes leads to a market” so why then shouldn’t you be dynamic and flexible about your skills and ability in the online world? Don’t put your eggs in one basket. For instance, most bloggers only focus on Google AdSense and neglect other alternatives that can be used to make money blogging,like affiliate and sponsored posts. Others even shift focus away from developing their blogs and making it a better abode for their audience, all they want is Adsense clicks, this is wrong. So scan around and stay prepared for various opportunities, spread your risks!!

So get settled, define a goal, strategize on the methods, stay focused on what you can do best and leave the rest for the rest.

I believe you have got one or two lessons to learn from this. Don't forget to share with friends... Thanks.

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