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Top tips and requirements to apply and qualify for student loan

To apply for student loan applicants are advised to watch out for an official advert made by the board to the public in the major print medias of national coverage calling eligible students to apply for student loans and other process can move in sequential order and list of selected applicants shall be  released at the same time . After an advert is placed through these are the steps to take

Step 1
Obtaining and filling in application from universities(Office of the dean of students affairs)

Step 2
Attach all required documents in the application.

Step 3
Make all necessary payments

Step 4
Submit application within a specified  time frame to the office of the dean of students affairs

Step 5
Loan application form shall be received by the records officer at students loan scheme office

Step 6
Then a list of selected applicants shall be generated and sent to the head office for verification and evaluation then  the  committee gives out the final list of chosen application.

Applicants must already be seeking admission to the higher institution of any accredited instution of higher learning
Recognized by the national council for higher education and must also be pursuing a program.

Various banks have requirements from students before an account can be opened for loan the following listed under is th requirements to be met by the students
1 opening of an education account
2 The candidate will present copies of previous academic documents.
3 Admission letter from the higher institution must be presented
4 copy of document identifying the applicant
5 3 recent passport photographs and schedule of prescribed school fees

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